Let Me Know...

if you have any awesome outfits, music, or anything of use leave a comment!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

pick two


  1. thanks for the sweet comment and for following! i think my closet is now about 80% thrifted and the rest was bought on super sale! i love that image of emma watson you have on the side...she's so chic!

  2. Ouch, too bad I can't pick! Haha. Thanks for your comment!

  3. ♥ Haha I like it... emotionally stable and good looking I think *shallow me* :) Then if I lacked the intelligence I would believe I had all 3 anyway :D xxx

    ƸӜƷ www.makinglifemorebeautiful.co.uk ƸӜƷ

  4. Thanks Kasey!!! Thanks for stopping by!

    You have a great blog.

    Hope you'll stop by again and hopefully we can follow each others blogs????
    I'm now following yours.


  5. Thanks for your lovely comment!

    I don't think I could pick between these. Haha!

  6. Hahah my god, so true. Although I do think I hit the jackpot with my boyfriend. He seems to be all three. Fingers crossed that stays true!

  7. p.s. you should update your blog list and put a diamond and a tether on it instead of confessions of a marc addict, i don't blog at that site anymore :)
